If you are a landlord who needs a lawyer, you may want to consider a Katy, TX tenant rights attorney. A Katy, TX tenant rights attorney can benefit landlords because they understand both sides of the argument. Therefore, landlords will be able to have the extra advantage of building a stronger case against their tenants.
A lawyer such as John Okonji from The Okonji Law Office knows and understands tenant rights as well as landlord rights. He has been working in this particular area for many years and has more than fifteen years of experience in the field of law. If you are experiencing legal problems with a tenant, give yourself the best possible chance to win and hire the best lawyer in the Katy, Texas area today.

How a Katy, TX Tenant Rights Attorney Might Defend Your Tenant
When preparing for a case against your tenant, it is important to know and understand how your tenant’s lawyer will come against you. It is a kind of “know thy enemy” tactic. If you understand what you may be up against, you will have a better chance of preparing for it.
Tenant attorneys have a lot of sources for their clients on their side that they will try to use against landlords. Depending on the situation, they can use these sources for many arguments as to why they are trying to bring you to court.
Take, for instance, you need to evict your tenant. There is a particular protocol that landlords have to follow. If this protocol is not followed, they could take you to court because of improper court procedures. Your tenant’s attorney may look for evidence of locking your tenant out, canceling their utilities, and even removing doors, windows, possession, etc.
Another angle they may try to use is landlord retaliation. Your tenant might be trying to accuse you of retaliating against them for “asserting a legal right.” which is technically illegal. Example-if, your tenant, has any evidence about complaining about hazards not being fixed in the apartment, they could use that against you. They may try to say that you refuse to fulfill your obligation as a landlord to provide a safe environment for your tenants.
If your tenant has proof of terminating the tenancy, refusing to renew their lease, increasing the rent, and decreasing services such as access to amenities.
The trick is, even if some of these were to actually happen, they do have to have the burden of proof. They have to prove that it is retaliation. So long as you can prove and document your reasons as to why some of these actions took place, you will have a much higher chance of winning your case.
What Texas Law Says About Landlord Retaliation
While not all states have this law, Texas is one of the states that does make landlord retaliation against a tenant for exercising a right given to them by law illegal. Their rights as a tenant can, but may not limit to requesting repairs, contacting government agencies about building or housing codes, utility problems, and joining tenant organizations.
Understanding what retaliation is and what it is not can help strengthen your case so you can prove otherwise. As stated above, retaliation is a landlord unjustly ends a lease, motions for eviction, inhibits a tenant’s access to the premises, diminishes services, or increases the rent due for several reasons. According to the law, these reasons could be for exercising their rights, failing to adhere to multiple repair notices, complaining about housing codes, or for participating in organized groups for tenants. This protection can last for up to six months from the date of the tenant’s actions.
In other words, if any of these actions take place, and you raise the rent, send an eviction notice, or do any of the actions stated above within those six months, it could be seen as retaliation against the tenant.
However, there are ways to justify your actions as a landlord if one of the following has occurred:

- Tenant broke their lease
- Tenant intentionally causes property damage
- Threatens personal safety of the landlord or employees
- If there is an increase in utilities, tax, or insurance costs
- An increase in rent due to normal pattern or service reductions for the entire complex.
The Okonji Law Office Has the Attorney You Are Looking For
If you are battling a tenant, receive a letter demanding a retaliation stop, or a lawsuit petition for retaliation, you need to hire a lawyer immediately. Do not wait or try to take the battle on your own. You can be sure that your tenant will have a lawyer on their side. Therefore you want to make sure you have the very best on yours.
It can be difficult for landlords today. They are often seen as the harasser. What people do not understand is that renting is a business like any other business, and landlords have rights as well. You want someone who knows your rights as a landlord and is prepared to defend them at all costs.
With John Okonji on your side, you can breathe and be confident that your problem is being handled by a true professional. His law firm has been established since 2015 specializing in real estate transactions and disputes between tenants and landlords. However, his experience goes so much deeper than his law firm.
John Okonji has practiced law in both Texas and North Carolina. He worked for fifteen years with a company in North Carolina as a general counsel and legal advisor. He gave legal counseling and representation on concerns about operations and governmental compliance. Before that, Mr. Okonji worked as a contract attorney representing landlords in a trial in Harris County. He was an expert in handling landlord-tenant litigation. He also interviewed and prepared witnesses for trial, as well as identified and prepared exhibits for trial.
John Okonji is the lawyer you need. He has years of experience in this area, and he is the best in the area to represent you. Landlords have rights just as much as tenants do. Get a lawyer that can successfully take on a Katy TX tenant rights attorney.

Fun Facts for Katy, TX
- Katy is one of the migratory destinations for hundreds of geese.
- Katy used to be one of the rice capitols of the world.
- The VFW Park hosts events such as movies and community campouts.